The All Ireland final of Scór na nÓg took place in the superb surroundings of The Waterfront Hall in Belfast. Representatives from all of the counties in Ireland gathered for a very special expression of Irish culture and heritage.
Proceedings got off to a start around 10.00 am with representative from 28 of Ireland’s 32 counties beginning to gather for registration for the final of Tráth na gCeist, which was due to start at 11.00 am. Maistír na gCeist for the event was the noted 10 time All Ireland Ladies Cork footballer, Valerie Mulcahey.
Proceedings got under was on time with the 28 teams and an audience of supporters and friends of approximately 500 people in a huge hall.
The quiz was intense and difficult, as you would expect for this level of competition. The eventual winners and runners up began to show on the leader board from an early stage and the result was still in the melting pot right up to the last round of questions. Remarkably the top three teams all missed three questions in the last round which left the lads from the St Columba’s Club in Donegal as All Ireland Champions by one point.
The next two teams from Limerick and Westmeath finished level which led to tie-break round to determine 2nd and 3rd places. Eventually after two tie break rounds Westmeath finished in second place. Tyrone representatives, Augher St Macartans acquitted themselves vey well and undoubtably gained valuable experience should they find themselves in a similar position in the years to come.
The runners up were presented with their medals with the winners having to wait until the main medal ceremony following the Scór competitions due to start at 3.00 pm.
The quiz then came to a close at approximately 12.45 pm.
Meanwhile as the was quiz was on going Tyrone’s representatives in the Scór finals , Donaghmore, were completing their sound checks and familiarisation session on the huge stage of the main theatre at the Waterfront complex.
The competitions began sharply at 3.00 pm with representatives from the four provinces competing against each other in each of the seven competitions which make up the Scór programme. The audience of almost 1700 people were entertained to the very best of Irish culture and heritage, in singing, dance, storytelling and traditional music for the next four and a half hours.
Following this the results were announced and Tyrone’s sole representatives in the event, Donaghmore St Patrick’s, were crowned All Ireland champions in Ceol Uirlse with an inspiring performance.
On the overall performance Ulster counties finished the day’s competition with four All Ireland titles – Whitecross, Armagh were Rince Foirne champions, Niamh McDowell, from the Glasdrummond club in Down was crowned champion in Amhránaíocht Aonair and the fourth title went to the Donaghmore club. The other four title were dispersed in the other three provinces.
Now the stage is set for our adult club competitors to take part and carry on the success of the other Tyrone clubs in Scór Sinsear competitions, which are on-going at present. Semi-finals take place this coming Friday, 17th February, in Aughabrack at 7.30 pm and in Stewartstown on Sunday, 19th February at 7.00 pm. The Tyrone county final takes place in Dún Uladh centre on Sunday, 5th March with the Ulster semi-final for Tyrone clubs taking place in the Patrician Hall in Carrickmore, on Sunday, 12th March. The Ulster final takes place in Threemilehouse on Saturday, 8th April with the All Ireland Final, also in the Waterfront Hall, Belfast on Saturday, 6th May.