Since 2007 56 lives have been lost on the A5

Communities and families torn apart.
The GAA family in Tyrone is saying ENOUGH
and demanding action on the A5 upgrade.

The A5 stretches across almost half of county Tyrone and since the decision was reached in July 2007 some 56 (updated) people have lost their lives on some stretch of this road. Not a single yard of tarmac has been laid on the new A5 road.

The A8 road scheme between Belfast and Larne started in May 2008 and was completed in December 2016. That was 7 years, 6 months and 25 days from beginning to end.

If the A5 had been delivered in a similar timeframe 28 of the A5 deaths might well have been avoided. At the current rate at least another 4 deaths will occur on the A5 every year.

Enough is Enough!

On the date of our launch, Monday 23rd January 2023, this marks, five thousand, six hundred and sixty-nine days since the new A5 received the go-ahead from the NI Executive.

Enough is Enough!

15 years, six months and six days later and not a single yard of tarmac.

Enough is Enough!

No more deaths on our doorstep. 49 lives. 49 lives later.

Enough is Enough!



The “A5 – Enough Is Enough” Group held their Public Launch in the Tyrone GAA Centre at Garvaghey. A massive crowd, possibly the Centre’s largest ever, saw standing room only in the main auditorium and indeed the spill-over area in the foyer (where the event was live-streamed) was packed also. Ex-RTE news presenter, Eileen Dunne, hosted the night which witnessed harrowing stories from, among others, Peter Dolan, Eamon McGrath, Kate Corrigan and Kevin Hughes. Chair, Niall McKenna, welcomed all to the event, especially those from the different sporting codes and backgrounds stating, “This road does not discriminate, it will kill you regardless of what sport you follow or none.” An incredibly emotional night for all in attendance. You can watch the whole event here.


Two nights after the Public Launch in Garvaghey, Taoiseach Leo Varadkar in the Dáil, notes our event and reaffirmed the Irish Government’s commitment (including financial) to the scheme and indeed the N2 road improvement scheme which joins the A5 at the border at Aughnacloy.


One week after the Public Launch, the “A5 – Enough Is Enough” Group have spent much of the week being interviewed by the media – TV, radio, online and print. Our launch has definitely attracted massive publicity and the issue is now firmly in the public attention again, all positive. Our Group is energised and motivated – we have definitely lit a spark with the public.


Delegates from the “A5 – Enough Is Enough” Group meet with the Mid-Ulster District Council and present to them. Afterwards, the Council reaffirms their commitment to the project and their support of our Group.


Delegates from the “A5 – Enough Is Enough” Group meet with Stormont’s Infrastructure sub-committee members. Those present reaffirmed their commitment to the project and their support of our Group. They also reminded us that the A5 is a cross-party Executive approved and supported project.


Delegates from the “A5 – Enough Is Enough” Group meet with the Derry & Strabane District Council at the Guildhall and present to them. Afterwards, the Council reaffirms their commitment to the project and their support of our Group.

UPDATE – 15 MARCH 2023

The dates are released for the Public Inquiry into the A5 – The inquiry will re-open at 10.30am on Monday, 15th May 2023 in the Strule Arts Centre, Townhall Square, Omagh and will continue there until Friday, 19th May.  During that week, the environmental statement, the habitats reports and the proposed supplementary vesting order will be discussed.  After a week’s break, the inquiry will convene in Omagh Enterprise Centre, Gortrush Industrial Estate from Tuesday, 30th May to Friday, 2nd June 2023, when strategic issues will be discussed.  The detailed programme for the inquiry is available here.

UPDATE – 29 MARCH 2023

Delegates from the “A5 – Enough Is Enough” Group meet with the Fermanagh & Omagh District Council and present to them. Afterwards, the Council reaffirms their commitment to the project and their support of our Group.

UPDATE – 31 MARCH 2023

The “A5 – Enough Is Enough” Group make their written submission to A5WTC Department of Infrastructure (DfI)’s request for responses to their “A5 Supplementary Information to the Environmental Statement Addendum (2022)” as part of the Public Inquiry process.

UPDATE – 11 APRIL 2023

Our online petition (sign here) has now reached 8,649 signatures. The latest comment states, “I lost my son Simon on this awful road in April 2011 and this road needs upgraded asap.

UPDATE – 27 APRIL 2023

TRAGEDY STRIKES AGAIN – A road traffic accident on a section of the A5 between Aughnacloy and Ballygawley results in the deaths of three members of the one family; Dan McKane, Christine McKane and Julia McSorley (from the Strabane/Newtownstewart areas). The A5 Enough Is Enough Group are devastated by the news, but unfortunately not surprised. More families and communities devastated. An interim Inquiry report previously stated that upgrading this section of the road would be “over-provision” and “offer no significant benefits.

UPDATE – 8 MAY 2023

Our online petition (sign here) has now gathered over 10,000 signatures. We will be speaking with a loud voice.

UPDATE – 9 MAY 2023

Our Group hosts an Information Night in advance of the Public Inquiry recommencing on Monday 15th May. A packed audience hears the group imploring everyone to attend the Inquiry and make their voices heard. The objectors are asked to reflect and reconsider in light of the continuing carnage. Politicians from all sides, north and south, ask everyone to support the scheme. We hear more harrowing stories from families of victims all saying the same thing – make sure no other families have to go through what we are going through. A powerful message has been sent out on the night.

UPDATE – 15 MAY 2023

The Public Inquiry resumed today in the Strule Arts Centre, Omagh. A large turnout of our supporters and families of road victims were in attendance. Our banner and our placards were raised high above the River Strule sending out a strong message. Outside the Centre, many media outlets heard harrowing stories from the families who all said the same thing – it was hard to be there but they did not want another family to go through what they were experiencing. Inside the Centre, we went through the minutiae of environmental statements, traffic models, climate and air quality. The potential of dead trees along the route was talked about at length – no discussion of dead road vicitims! Unfortunately, despite us asking the objectors to reflect and reconsider, a small number (their entirety?) were also in attendance. As our Barrister said at the outset, “The A5 in its current construct is a grim reaper, time its only constraint.

UPDATE – 2 JUNE 2023

The Public Inquiry closed today at the Omagh Enterprise Centre. Commissioner Kerr concluded by informing us that he would deliver his Report to DfI by the end of the year, or earlier if possible. It has been a hard two weeks for families of A5 road victims. Tuesday of this week (the Road Safety Session) will live long in the memories of all in attendance. A massive crowd of people were present in the Strule Arts Centre to show their support to the families. The auditorium could not cope with the huge numbers (including local school-children) there to support the promise of the new road and, indeed, many had to stand in the aisles. Harrowing stories were delivered by the families all with common themes – their lives will never be the same again; homes and hearts broken and devastated; they speak out in the hope that no other families have to go through what they are going through. Experts comment that they have never experienced such a crowd at a Public Inquiry in support of a scheme going ahead. Niall McKenna thanked the DfI officials for the “honourable legacy” they were trying to leave for the people of this area and he told the Inquiry that Road Safety was not just another topic or session – that the protection of our safety and our lives was an inalienable right that we would not tolerate being denied to us any longer. He, once again, asked the objectors to “reflect” and “reconsider” their position and concluded by asking the Commissioner, “you can help make sure that these deaths don’t continue if you give this scheme the green light. It’s time to stop the slaughter. It’s time to stop the carnage. Commissioner, I implore you, for the love of God, to agree with us that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.”

UPDATE – 4 JULY 2023

The “A5 – Enough Is Enough” Group travel to Dublin to make a presentation to Dáil Éireann. At the invite of Sinn Féin Deputy, Pearse Doherty, a cross-party selection of TDs and Senators listen to Niall McKenna and Brendan Hurl advocate for the full delivery of the A5 dual-carriageway. More importantly, they listen to Kate Corrigan give heart-breaking testimony explaining the very real and constant anguish her family live with following the death of her son, Nathan. Later that evening, a Private Members Motion is put to the floor of the House, asking the Southern Government to reaffirm their commitment (including financial) to the new A5. Deputies thanked the Group for their work and the Motion was carried unanimously. You can read the full debate transcript here.

UPDATE – 11 JULY 2023

Eilís Nic Lochlainn from Meon Eile produces “Stoptar an Bás ar an A5” to highlight our fight to the Irish language community. You can watch the video here.

UPDATE – 23 JULY 2023

TRAGEDY STRIKES AGAIN – It is announced that a road traffic accident on a section of the A5 near the Rarone Road junction on Friday (21/07/23) has resulted in one fatality. Once again, the A5 Enough Is Enough Group are greatly saddened by the news, but unfortunately not surprised. More families and communities devastated again. As the Commissioner is currently writing his report into whether the scheme should go ahead, surely this is more evidence that there is only one answer.


The Irish Government announce that they will re-commit €600 million to the A5 North-West transport corridor. This commitment is to be warmly welcomed and another sign that things are progressing.


TRAGEDY STRIKES AGAIN – Caolan Devlin, a former Coalisland Fianna and Noamh Colum Cille and underage county hurling player, and brother of current senior footballer Niall Devlin, passes away after a two-vehicle collision between Omagh and Garvaghey. The A5 Enough is Enough group are devastated yet again and the GAA community in Tyrone are once again in mourning – the second brother of a Tyrone U20 football team captain in just over a year. The new road needs to be approved now. How can people think about objecting in light of the current death rate on this road?

UPDATE – 19 MARCH 2024

The A5 Enough Is Enough group travel to Stormont to meet with Minister John O’Dowd and DfI Officials. The group are impressed with the Minister and his Official’s technical knowledge of the scheme and, more importantly, the human cost of not going ahead with it. We are hopeful of a positive reponse regarding the decision soon.


TRAGEDY STRIKES AGAIN – Oonagh Burns, a 35 year old Strabane woman, passes away after a single-vehicle car crash on the A5 near Bready. The A5 – Enough is Enough Group are devastated and our thoughts and prayers are with Oonagh’s family and friends. We need a decision to go ahead with the scheme urgently. No more delay, no more objections.

UPDATE – 29 APRIL 2024

St. Ciaran’s College, Ballygawley present Niall McKenna with a petition with 1,000s of names demanding the delivery of the new A5 road. Local politicians and families of past-pupils who have died in accidents along the road are in attendance. Pascal Canavan talks movingly about the local history of deaths on the A5 and how they have scarred the school community.

UPDATE – 30 APRIL 2024

TRAGEDY STRIKES AGAIN – Just one day after their school demonstration, St. Ciaran’s College Year 13 student Kamile Vaicikonyte (aged 17) and Jamie Moore (19) lose their lives on the A5 in a single-vehicle collision in the Doogary area just south of Omagh. More devastation and more carnage.

UPDATE – 1 JULY 2024

Infrastructure Minister, John O’Dowd, announces that he will recommend the go-ahead for the new A5 to the Executive in their August meeting. The A5 Enough is Enough Group welcome the announcement.


Students from St. Ciaran’s College deliver a poignant message to Stormont – presenting 56 white crosses representing the lives lost on the road since July 2007. Infrastructure Minister John O’Dowd says he has recommended to the executive that work should begin on the long-delayed A5 road project.


Approval Granted – Minister John O’Dowd announces the approval of the new A5 between Strabane and Ballygawley. The formal decisions on the other two phases will come in due course. Our Group welcomes the announcement; “The A5 Enough is Enough Group very much welcome the announcement to commence work on the section of the A5 dualling between south of Strabane and Ballygawley. Provision of a new dual carriageway along this section will greatly enhance road safety and reduce the horrendously high number of accidents and fatalities. The A5 has left a catastrophic and notorious legacy in this area with too many broken families devastated by its unsafe construct. We look forward to an imminent start, successful completion of this phase of the project and the remainder being similarly progressed in due course. Our thoughts, as always, remain with the families of victims of the A5.”


Sign the Petition

Please register your support for the early commencement of the new A5 dualling carriageway by lending your name to our petition.

Sign the Petition

The Inquiry

For more information on the A5 DUAL CARRIAGEWAY SCHEME PUBLIC INQUIRY starting on Monday 15th May, please click the link below:

The Inquiry