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Acadamh Thir Eoghain coaches meeting tonight

By tyronepro Wed 25th Mar

Tyrone’s new Coaching Officer Benny Hurl will meet with Acadamh Thir Eoghain coaches tonight, Wednesday 25th March at 8pm in Garvaghey, ahead of the trials which are due to take place this weekend. The coaching squads have been rebranded and a number of new faces added to the coaching setup for 2015. Benny has asked the coaches emailed over the last number of days to make a special effort to attend this meeting tonight as he hopes to outline plans for the structure and rolling out of the new Acadamh Thir Eoghain coaching programme for 2015 and beyond.
The last few remaining clubs that haven’t yet submitted names for Academy 15, Academy 16 and Academy 17 are asked to do so by 5pm today.

By tyronepro Wed 25th Mar

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