The highly successful Gaeltacht Grants scheme will proceed again in 2018, ‘Bliain na Gaeilge’.
The scheme has grown in popularity over the last ten years and has now become a regular feature in the annual GAA calendar.
The Grants Scheme provides a great opportunity for the young people in our communities to experience the National Language at its very base where the every-day language spoken will be Irish. This exceeds the learning processes in everyday normal school life when the young people will experience the use of the language through every aspect of normal life from getting up in the mornings, to going to bed at night through the medium of school life, sport, recreation, leisure etc. At a time when the use of Irish in our communities is becoming more common place courses such as these will give the young people the opportunity to learn the language at its core base where it is the normal everyday spoken language.
The scheme this year has not changed. Members of CLG will be invited to submit applications to the County for the grant aid. The scheme will open today, Tuesday, 3rd April and the close of applications will be Friday 11th May at 5.00 pm. Applications can only be accepted from current registered members of GAA clubs in Tír Eoghain. Due to the existing membership clauses grant applications cannot be accepted from members of the Camogie or Ladies’ associations.
Application forms will be available through Club Secretaries, or from the reception at Garvaghey plus it will be available to download via the Resources & Downloads section on the Tír Eoghain website.
The completed forms must be returned to Tyrone GAA – address details are on the application form – or to on or before 5.00 pm on Friday 11th May 2018.
Please note incomplete or late applications will not be processed.
Application form link- see below
Gaeltacht Scholarships 2018 App form