Friday the 5th April, County Tyrone host the 3rd year of the Presentation Function of the Credo Awards to the Volunteers who have been nominated from within the clubs of Tyrone. This night is to recognise the outstanding Contribution and dedication these volunteers have given to our Association.
We are honoured once again that the President of the GAA, John Horan will be in attendance to add to this special night for our volunteers. John has identified club activity as a priority so therefore he will be very much at home amongst the stalwarts of many Clubs across our County
The County is in debited to all volunteers within the clubs. We would all acknowledge that the GAA over the years, in this County and indeed every County has survived and prospered at the grassroots level in particular of volunteers who perform a range of duties and activities that keep the life blood of our association flowing at the most basic level.
The Credo awards were initiated by our previous Chairperson Roisin Jordan and have been continued by our present Chairperson Michael Kerr.
The Credo Pin while having several meanings –
the meaning chosen is ‘A set of beliefs that influence the way you live’ so the people who will be recognised on Friday Night, they have chosen to believe in the aims and beliefs of the GAA.
A light buffet will be served from 7pm with the Awards presentations commencing at 8pm.