Gambling Awareness Event

By damian Fri 9th Mar

The Strabane Neighbourhood Health Improvement Project have organised a Gambling Awareness session will take place on the 28th March in Fountain Street Community Centre @ 8pm. Oisin McConville, Crossmaglen Rangers and Armagh GAA star, will provide a talk on his personal experience with the addiction.
This very important event that will have a great impact on everyone who will attend.  Fáilte Mhór – Everyone Welcome. Slán, Aodhán Harkin, Sigersons G.A.A. Project Co-ordinator
Tyrone GAA ASAP Officer
Cuthbert Donnelly
What is the ASAP Programme?
The Alcohol & Substance Abuse Prevention (ASAP) Programme is a joint venture by the GAA and the Health Service Executive that aims to reduce the harm being caused by alcohol and other drugs.
The GAA will achieve this by building a structure of ASAP Officers across the 32 counties. To do this all clubs need to appoint an ASAP Officer to be the contact person for the Programme.
Why do I need it in my club?
The ASAP Programme is a new way of responding to alcohol and other drug related problems in a club setting. Clubs that implement the ASAP Programme will be able to do 3 things…..
1. Prevent alcohol and other drug related problems from happening.
2. Educate members about relevant issues.
3. Respond appropriately when a problem arises.
To show clubs what can be done to respond to problems at local level the GAA have produced the ‘GAA Club Manual for Dealing with Drug and Alcohol Related Issues’ and more recently the DVD ‘Club Matters’ and a very informative website at
As the leading Sporting and Cultural organisation in the country, we have a responsibility to lead the way in this area and ensure good practice.

By damian Fri 9th Mar

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