Reminder of Gaeltacht Thír Eoghain 5 Day Irish Language Course in The Institute of Irish Leadership, Pomeroy starting Monday coming, 3 July.
There will be a one day Irish course in Trillick GAA Club House on Saturday 5 August from 10an – 4pm. This course is being run by Trillick Arts and Cultural Society with assistance from Fermanagh and Omagh District Council. The course is free. Teachers for this course will be Searán Mhic Eoin (beginners), Seosaimhín Nic Eochaidh (improvers) and Malachy Mc Namee (advanced). To gauge numbers please express your interest by e-mailing or It is also possible to turn up on the day of the course without having registered.
See below details of GAA’s Irish course in Downings, Co Donegal from Monday 17 July – Friday 21 July.