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Kerry come to Garvaghey

By tyronepro Sat 13th Apr

Kerry come to Garvaghey
Kerry come to Garvaghey

With the visit of Kerry in the National League , an open invitation was extended to Kerry supporters to come and view the new facilities at Garvaghey and for some refreshments prior to their long journey. This offer was taken up by 100 members of the Kerry supporters Club on Saturday and by another 75, mainly from Kerry but several neutral spectators at the match, on Sunday.
Guests were given a tour of the Garvaghey complex by members of Club Tyrone on both days, and the Saturday group had the additional bonus of a few words from Mickey Harte, Hugh McAleer and Mark Conway talking about the complex, the Tyrone Kerry relationship, and some general GAA talk.
The warm welcome given to both the Kerry team and supporters was noted in several newspapers, especially this article in the Irish Examiner by Murt Murphy, which the Kerry Chairman gave his thanks for the reception they received

Kingdom chairman thanks Tyrone as visitors get treated ‘royally’

Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Kerry GAA chiefs have heaped praise on their Tyrone counterparts following Sunday’s Allianz League clash at Healy Park, Omagh.

By Murt Murphy

The build-up to the game had been dominated by stories of bad blood and growing ill-feeling between the counties but Kingdom officials and supporters left the north with nothing but praise for their hosts.
Kerry chairman Patrick O’Sullivan told delegates at the April County Committee said that the visitors were treated ‘royally’ by his Tyrone counterpart Ciarán McLaughlin and his committee.
After congratulating Eamonn Fitzmaurice and the Kerry team on winning on Sunday and maintaining their top flight status, Mr O’Sullivan said: “I want to thank Tyrone chairman Ciarán McLaughlin and the Tyrone County Board for the warmth of their welcome on Saturday and Sunday.
“We were offered every facility that was available, both before, during and after the game.
“Ciarán McLaughlin was on hand to ensure we were looked after before the game.
“We were treated royally at half-time and even after losing a tight game, Tyrone and Mikey Harte were magnanimous in defeat.
“As Kerry chairman I feel it incumbent on me to publicly acknowledge the wonderful reception Kerry were afforded from Ciarán McLaughlin and all the Tyrone officials.
“It flies in the face of some of the sensational headline grabbing stuff that was printed in the media in the week leading up to the game.”

Kerry 1 Kerry 3 Kerry 4 Kerry 5 Kerry 6 Kerry 8 Kerry 9 kerry 10 kerry 11


By tyronepro Sat 13th Apr

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