A quick stop at Campa Chormaic on the road to Rio
The 2016 Campa Chormaic was launched last night at An Culturlann in the heart of West Belfast in the presence of a very special sporting guest.
Chairman of Campa Chormaic, Ronan McMahon, was delighted to welcome Commonwealth, European and World Boxing Champion, and Olympic bronze medalist, Michael Conlan, to officially launch the 2016 Campa Chormaic.
“Michael is arguably one of the top athletes in Ireland at the moment and it is a great honor to have him as our special guest tonight. This is an incredibly important year for Michael, with the Rio Olympics less than 5 months away and we appreciate him taking time out of his busy schedule to attend,” said McMahon.
Set up in memory of Cormac McAnallen, who died in 2004 of a rare heart condition, Campa Chormaic is an Irish language, culture and sports summer camp for children aged 8-16 held at locations in Antrim, Derry, Down and Tyrone.
“Over the last 12 years the Camp has enjoyed incredible growth – across the summer months we run 2 camps in Antrim at Colaiste Feirste in Belfast, 2 in Derry at St Colm’s Baille na Screen and at Owenbeg, Dungiven, 2 in Down, at St Colman’s, Newry and St Michael’s Castlewellan and 2 in Tyrone at St Josephs Grammar, Donaghmore and in the Brantry, Cormac’s townland. Last year we had over 1,000 children attending and we are looking forward to continued growth into 2016.”
“I have an active interest in the Irish language and have been attending classes myself recently. Campa Chormaic is a fantastic legacy to Cormac and an excellent educational initiative for young children who can grow their interest in the Irish language and culture and a great incentive for them to participate in sport from an early age,” added Michael Conlan.
For more information on Campa Chormaic and to register for the 2016 programme visit www.campachormaic.com
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For more information on Campa Chormaic call Paul McAnallen on 07841 142855

Michael Conlan; National, European, Commonwealth and World Boxing Champion supporting Campa Chormaic with Brendan McAnallen and Chairman of Campa Chormaic Ronan McMahon. Picture: Elaine Hill