Le Cómhbhrón – Pat Donaghy

By Gerard Wed 27th Nov

Le Cómhbhrón – Pat Donaghy
Le Cómhbhrón – Pat Donaghy

The death of Pat Donaghy, after a long and so-effective life, takes from us one of the true giants of 20th and 21st century Tyrone and United States life.

An emigrant from Tyrone to New York in the spartan 1950s, Pat jointly founded and then built Structure Tone into one of the world’s greatest construction companies. Over the decades many thousands of Tyrone and other Irish emigrants were gifted with Pat’s generous support, guidance, and helping hand.

‘Ná caoin deor ar m’imeacht ach cuimhnigh orm mar a bhí mé | Do not mourn my departure but remember me as I was.’

Our deepest sympathy goes to Mary, Brian, Jimmy, John, Ray, Maureen and Eileen, to his wider family circle, to his almost countless friends, colleagues, and business and work associates, and to all those people for whom he simply made life better.

I measc Naomh na h-Éireann agus Laochra na nGael go raibh sé | May he be among the Saints of Ireland and the Heroes of the Gael.

By Gerard Wed 27th Nov

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