McNamee Awards Now Open for Entries

By damian Wed 15th Aug

Submissions are now being accepted for the 2011 GAA McNamee Awards which honour excellence in the area of communications, publication relations and journalism, specifically related to the activities of the Association.
Applications will be accepted and be processed up until 5pm on Friday, August 31, 2012.
It should be noted that only work published or completed in the 2011 calendar year is eligible for consideration and entries will not be returned.
Please note: There is a limit of three photographs per entrant for the photographic award and one entry for all other categories.
The awards scheme will be judged under the following headings:
Best GAA Publication
To cover all GAA Publications, including Club publications, County Yearbooks and general histories.
Best GAA Website
Covering the websites of all the Association’s units.
Best Photograph
Focussing on the best GAA-themed image from 2011.
Best Programme
To cater for all match day programmes produced for any level of the Association’s activities.
Best GAA related Radio Programme
To cater for all GAA programming broadcast either nationally or locally.
Provincial Media Award
To acknowledge high quality written journalism in a provincial publication.
National Media Award
To acknowledge high quality written journalism in national daily or Sunday publication.
Irish Language Award / Gradam na Gaeilge
To recognise excellence in the field of Irish language GAA journalism across all media / Chun aitheantas a thabhairt den sár oibre trí Ghaeilge thar na meáin go léir.
Club Project Award
A club only award, this category aims to acknowledge excellence in a one off project across all forms of public relations, communication and digital activity.
Hall of Fame Award / Outstanding Service Award
In recognition of a prolonged personal involvement in the coverage of GAA activities to the highest standards.
All entries should be marked “GAA McNamee Awards 2011” and addressed for the attention of GAA Communications Manager Alan Milton, Croke Park, Dublin 3 or emailed to
Entrants should also clearly state what category they are submitting their entry under.
Award winners will be contacted in due course with further details in relation to the awards banquet.
Promoting and encouraging participation in the GAA is of critical importance to the GAA and many thanks to all of you who do so on a regular basis.

By damian Wed 15th Aug

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