“Michaela Foundation Wings Awards”

By tyronepro Sat 10th Feb

“Michaela Foundation Wings Awards”
“Michaela Foundation Wings Awards”

Celebrating those determined to fly.
“Awarding young people who are motivators within their local community.”
• Has went above and beyond for their local sports/music/drama group
• Sacrifices their time to help with youth/church/elderly
• Works tirelessly to fundraise
• Is a young carer
• Inspires others to get involved within their community
• Shines in a particular area
• Has overcome adversity
A ‘Wings Award Winner’ can be male or female and they do not need to have any previous experience with Michaela Foundation.
• Age 11-13 (£250)
• Age 14-16 (£250)
• Age 17-24 (£250)
Nominate someone you think is deserving of this award, letting us know how they merit winning this award and include a letter of support from a school, church, club, employer or other organisation.
We will then shortlist 10 commendable entrants in each age group. We will contact them and give them a submission date to let us know how they intend to spend their award bursary (be it for equipment, helping with a fundraiser, towards a fun day for local community etc.). From this, we will choose the three award winners. All 10 finalists in each age group will be invited along to the awards night on Thursday 12th April, in the Great Hall, Queens University to celebrate all their achievements.
At this event, the three award winners will be announced in each age group category. Winners will receive a cash bursary of £250 plus a custom-made O’Neill’s half zip top.
Application forms are available to download from our website or below, www.themichaelafoundation.com.
Applications must be completed, scanned and returned by Friday 2nd March 2018 to enquiries@michaelafoundation.com.
If you have any queries regarding any information above, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind Regards,
Orla McIntyre e: orla.mcintyre@michaelafoundation.com
t: 07712323716
Wings Award Application Form 2018

By tyronepro Sat 10th Feb

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