Mickey Harte – Statement
In light of recent speculation, I feel it is appropriate to clarify my situation for the good of Tyrone football and for the supporters who have been with me on this journey for so long.
The 2020 season was thrown into disarray by the impact of Covid-19, resulting in a six-month complete break from Inter-county activity. Accordingly I requested to continue for another season to compensate for this missed opportunity to complete my final term in more normal circumstances. Unfortunately this request was not granted by the Tyrone management committee.
Although I am disappointed, this feeling is far outweighed by one of immense gratitude for having had the privilege of managing Tyrone at minor, U21 and senior level for the last thirty years. I will be forever indebted to the fantastic people of Tyrone, and indeed Gaels across the entire globe. Through the various highs and lows, my family and I have been supported by so many good people from all backgrounds and communities.
It is impossible to fully express in this short statement what needs to be said, but it would be remiss of me not to say a brief thank you.
To the players, from the minors of 1991 to the seniors of 2020, I couldn’t have asked for better. I deeply appreciate your dedication and commitment to the Tyrone cause.
To the various back room teams and County board officials, without whose support this adventure would not have been possible, thank you for being part of the journey.
To club Tyrone and their members, thank you for your endeavours in helping us be the best we could be.
To the supporters of Tyrone, inside and outside the county, thank you for your loyalty and know that you were always at the forefront of our collective desire to succeed.
To my family, who afforded me the time to dedicate myself to this role, it wouldn’t have been possible without your unwavering support – thank you.
I am blessed to have had the good health to be on the side-line for every game bar one in all of those thirty years.
Tyrone football has given me so much and I sincerely wish all Tyrone teams continued success in the future.
Mickey Harte