“Men need to face up to health issues. We have no difficulty with things like sport or getting our cars fixed but yet when it comes to health, men seem to have an issue with getting themselves checked out. Men need to face up to the fact that bad health is a possibility but that it is possible to go on and lead a normal life after diagnosis” Sound familiar? This quote is attributable to Joe Deane, way back in the 1990’s. Not much has changed and facts prove that men, on the island of Ireland, still experience a disproportionate burden of ill-health.
International Men’s Health Week ends on Sunday 21st June. In Strabane, one event held to signify the week was an awareness seminar.. The seminar talked about various men’s health issues and how these could be identified. The event also provided the opportunity for Health Checks to be carried out and pictured are Ciaran Mclaughlin and Sean Dudgeon from Sigersons Health and Well-Being Committee and Senior team captain JP Gallagher.
Ciaran stated “ The GAA established a National Health & Wellbeing Committee in 2014. I was honored to be ask to chair that Committee. Its key aim is to shape an Association that is aware of the health and wellbeing needs of its communities and is proactive in ensuring that all members feel valued and enriched as a result of their lifelong engagement with the GAA. Here in Strabane our Committee was formed in April this year and this event is the first we were able to promote to our members. Attendance could have been better, however moving forward similar events will be held and the Sigersons Health and Well-Being Committee will be providing opportunities to the wider Strabane Community to attend events to promote physical and emotional well-being”