Click here to download the booking form
The GAA is about WHO you are and WHERE you’re from. We’re holding firmly to that belief here. The WHO in this case are our GAA coaches and the WHERE is Tyrone. This is unashamedly a Tyrone-focused event, aimed at taking forward the quality, standard and enjoyment of our games at Tyrone Club, School/College and County levels.
If you’re involved in coaching at any of those levels in Tyrone, then come and join us on 30 January. This is about us jointly taking things to the next level across Tyrone.
Our day will mix lectures and talks with practical pitch-based work … so come prepared!
Le chéile ar son Thír Eoghain … together for Tyrone
9.30 am: 10.00 am: 11.30am:
1.00pm: 1.45 pm:
Key Note 1: Age-based fitness for Gaelic athletes (U14-U18), Peter Donnelly
A: Games to encourage effective kicking: Joe McMahon and Peter Harte B: Mobility, stability and efficiency in movement: Louis O’Connor
C: Conditioning strategies for youth players: Gareth O’Neill
Key Note 2: Strategies to overcome the ‘blanket defence’, Matt McGleenan
4.00pm: Closing Address: Anne Daly, Tyrone Games Development Manager Conference pack will include:
- Notes and materials
- Acadamh Thir Eoghain body warmer and beanie hat
- Complimentary free entry to Tyrone v Cavan Allianz NFL game in Healy Park on Sunday 31 JanuaryCost: £25 per person or. ‘Club Special’: 4 or more coaches, just £20 each. (Includes: Conference pack, tea/coffee and lunch)Registration:Orla O’Neill, Garvaghey Centre, call (028) 8556 7723 or email orla.oneill.gpo.tyrone@gaa.ieFor further information, contact:anne.daly.gda.tyrone@gaa.ie ryan.daly.gda.tyrone@gaa.ie
Mura gcuirfidh tú san earrach ní bhainfidh tú san fhómhar … If you don’t sow in spring you won’t reap in autumn