Tyrone GAA host ‘Live to Play’ event for all sports

By tyronepro Thu 6th Nov

Tyrone GAA host ‘Live to Play’ event for all sports
Tyrone GAA host ‘Live to Play’ event for all sports
Tyrone GAA will host a special ‘Live to Play’ event on Monday 17th November @ 7.30pm in their centre at Garvaghey.
The ‘Live to Play’ event is urging not only all local GAA clubs to attend but is inviting all non-GAA sports and clubs in the local area to come along on the night.
Live to Play is a road safety initiative promoted by Ulster GAA in conjunction with clubs and county boards. The aim of the initiative is to raise awareness and to educate communities on how best to stay safe on the roads. The programme is aimed at young drivers (16-24) but is applicable for all road users.
The desire on the part of the GAA to promote Live to Play is to keep club and communities safe on our roads.  Each year brings startlingly statistics of people who have been involved in road traffic accidents, and behind each statistic is a family, a community whose lives have been plunged into terrible grief.  Unfortunately tragedies such as this affect all communities.
The Tyrone GAA health and wellbeing committee who are organising the event, decided that in order to promote road safety among all road users it was important that consistent messages be provided regardless of sporting background.
Martin McAviney President of Ulster GAA said “We are delighted to be supporting the ‘Live to Play’ event being hosted by Tyrone GAA in November.  Too often our communities suffer the loss of a young person on the roads that could have been avoided.  By hosting this event with agencies who have first-hand experience in dealing with real life situations of road traffic accidents we hope will help educate people”
Ciaran McLaughlin Tyrone GAA Chair and Chairperson of the National GAA Health and Wellbeing committee said “Tyrone GAA are opening their centre in Garvaghy on 17th November to all local sports clubs and communities to come along.  We hope that by hosting the ‘Live to Play’ event we can help promote safety on our roads for everyone”
The event at Tyrone GAA Centre, Garvaghey will reinforce the Live to Play message, with the support of emergency services and those who have been affected by the dangers on the Roads.
For further information on the Live to Play event or to register a place email: hwb.tyrone@gaa.ie
Fire & rescue Demonstration 1 Killycloger
By tyronepro Thu 6th Nov

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