Why Become a GAA Referee?
• Stay involved with the game as an alternative to playing
• Fitness – It’s a great way to keep fit
• Ambition – could you referee a County Final or even an All-Ireland?
• Learn more about the game
• Give Something Back – offers players, at the end of their playing days, the opportunity to continue in the sport
• Personal Development – helps to develop personal skills that are of value in all walks of life
What qualities are required to become a GAA Referee?
• Good knowledge of the playing rules
• Be physically and mentally fit
• Have the ability to remain calm
• Have the moral courage to take decisions which are correct
How do I become a Referee?
We all know only too well the most essential part of any GAA Fixture is the Referee, without Him or Her there is unlikely to be any game. Clubs must accept their responsibility to assist the Referee’s Committee to identify new recruits who are willing to take up the Whistle. The Challenge must be a joint approach if this campaign is to be a success. An Urgent Call goes out to any potential candidates to come forward.
The first thing to do, is to contact your local Referee Administrator or Recruitment Officer who will give you details on upcoming GAA Referee Foundation Course in your local area, which you will have to complete before you can referee games. GAA Club Referee Course will take 3 nights to complete and will be delivered by GAA Referee Tutors.
Please contact one of the following:
Eugene Mc Connell (Referees Administrator), Alan Richardson (Secretary) or Fabian Mc Glone (Recruitment Coordinator) via e–‐mail or mobile as detailed below.
Eugene – refereesadministrator.tyrone@gaa.ie 07775532917
Alan – alantyrefs@hotmail.com 07715211388
Fabian – fmcglone@hotmail.com 07881910872