Tyrone Masters to Celebrate All Ireland title and 25th anninersary

By tyronepro Tue 2nd Feb

Tyrone Gaelic Masters captured their first All Ireland Title by defeating Galway in 2015. This breakthrough was timely in that it coincided with 25 years of Masters football in the county.  Following this historic victory manager’s Eugene Bradley  and Joe Leonard made the decision that as a county this anniversary would have to be marked as it offered all those involved down through the years  an opportunity for a double celebration. To that end a dinner dance will be held in Quinn’s Corner on Saturday April 2nd. Tickets are priced at £25 per person. Tables can also be booked at £250 per table of ten. Guests of honour will include Tyrone Chairperson Roisin Jordan and Chairman of the Gaelic Masters Association and dedicated advocate for masters’ football, John Pat Sheridan. He will be joined by Association Secretary and Tyrone native, Sean Mc Caughey. Both men have worked tirelessly to promote the masters’ and they will be warmly welcomed to this night of celebration.  Also on the agenda will be the presentation of medals to last years All Ireland winning panel.  The call is also going out to all past players to share in the celebration given that is was their commitment that kept the concept of masters football alive in the county since 1990. An anniversary booklet is being produced to mark the occasion and there will be an opportunity to sponsor the event by advertising your business in this booklet. Tickets/ tables can be reserved or sponsorship agreed by ringing Eugene Bradley on 07979282666

By tyronepro Tue 2nd Feb

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