‘A5 Enough is Enough’ Group
The ‘A5 Enough is Enough’ group was set up by the Tyrone GAA County Committee in November 2022. The group was formed in the aftermath of the untimely passing of John Rafferty from Killyclogher. John was just 21 years old when he died as a result of a two vehicle collision on the Curr Road section of the A5 on 27th October 2022.
John was the 8th victim of a Road Traffic Accident on the A5 since Christmas 2021. Three young GAA members Petey McNamee, Nathan Corrigan and Peter Finnegan passed away just 150 yards from the entrance to the Tyrone GAA Centre at Garvaghey.
The A5 Enough is Enough group have four aims…
- To support the actions required to bring about an end to a process that is now fifteen and a half years long.
- To positively promote the need to begin work on the new A5 as soon as possible.
- In the meantime, to seek immediate mitigating road improvements that might start saving lives now.
- To share road safety messaging and educate people on the danger of driving on this road.
Contact Information
For further information contact the A5 Group Chairman Niall McKenna. Mob No. 07881 950055 or by emailing a5@tyronegaacentre.com